Jumat, 14 Agustus 2015

RestMind8 Yasudah S. #Europe 2015

‘RestMind8’ #Premiere Concert - 2015-06-25 in Spazio Dante, Parma, Italy.
*Gamelan Seminar* - connected with ‘Contemporary Art Music’.
Together & support by:
‘Philip Corner’ (Composer & Maestro of Fluxus) & Communities.
Thanks also to Hernan DL, Daniela V, Phoebe N, Susana K, Etc...

‘RestMind8 #Primer Konser - 2015-06-25 di Spazio Dante, Parma, Italy.
*Seminar Gamelan* - hubungannya dengan ‘Musik Seni Kontemporer’.
Bersama & didukung oleh:
‘Philip Corner’ (Komposer & Maestro Fluxus) & Komunitas.
Trimakasih juga pada Hernan DL, Daniela V, Phoebe N, Susana K, Dsb...

‘RestMind8’ NeuroGalaktisch Fahrrad, Etc... - 2015-08-09
in *archex fest* in Taiserdorf, Germany.
Thanks to Dorle Ferber, Michel Kussl, Susana K, Etc...

‘RestMind8’ NeuroGalaktisch Fahrrad, Dsb... - 2015-08-09
di *archex fest* di Taiserdorf, Jerman.
Trimakasih Dorle Ferber, Michel Kussl, Susana K, Dsb...

 ‘RestMind8’ Cross Concert - 2015-08-09
in *Het huis van onze hart* in Antwerpen, Belgium.
Thanks to Eko Noah, Azuzan Jg, Andre Lusa, Susana, Etc...

‘RestMind8’ Kross Konser - 2015-08-09
di *Het huis van onze hart* di Antwerpen, Belgium.
Trimakasih Eko Noah, Azuzan Jg, Andre Lusa, Susana, Dsb...

Thanks for everybody whose support made it happened…
Also for since the earliness to the #EUROPE 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, Etc...

weljoy whART’s it…! weljoin whART’s next...!

Trimakasih kepada semua pihak yang telah mensuport hingga ini terjadi…
Tuk pula sejak awal hingga #EUROPE 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, Dst...

weljoy whART’s it…! weljoin whART’s next…!

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